American Cancer Society Discovery Shops and ReEmployAbility

Lindsey Bressi, a ReEmployAbility Nonprofit Relationship Manager, recently visited two American Cancer Society Discovery shops. Collectively, these shops have hosted over 130 light-duty participants through our Transition2Work program and are long-standing Non-Profit partners. Tina, one of the Transition2Work volunteers, stated, “You know, I didn’t even think about volunteering until this. You meet people from all walks of life that come to the store or also volunteer. And the cause is great. I feel I’m not much help because of my hands, but I do what I can. It’s a great mission to be a part of.”  

Inspiring Transition2Work Volunteers

During a Transition2Work program, injured workers use their time and skills to benefit the lives of others while also recovering from their injury. At the American Cancer Society Discovery Shops, volunteers play a part in funding cancer research programs nationwide. “I had no idea how many lives this could touch,” she added.  

Hugo, another program participant, quietly admitted that spending his days at the Discovery Shop really lifted his spirits in an uncertain time. “I was really struggling, and being here helps me,” he said. The store manager, Lilia, shared, “We are like a family. We are so happy to have them, and they work so hard. We couldn’t do this without them.”  

At the second store location in Elk Grove, the manager (Jenee) said, “So many [former Transition2Work participants] come back to volunteer, even after they’re released to go back to work. One gentleman would show up at least once a week and has since married and moved away. But he’ll buy store “coupons” online and tell us to give them to the other volunteers. So, he still contributes to our little shop, even from hundreds of miles away.”  

Making a Lasting Difference

ReEmployAbility connects worker’s compensation workers to nonprofit organizations across the country. These light-duty assignments can offer true, lasting connections to the community, to helping people find purpose and joy when they need it most, all the while assisting with their recovery.  

About The American Cancer Society Discovery Shops 

Discovery Shop locations aren’t your typical thrift or resale shops. High quality, gently-used, and new merchandise, including collectible and vintage items, are donated by the community then curated and sold in our upscale stores. Purchases, donations of goods, and volunteers help the American Cancer Society make the biggest impact on cancer ever. Discover the difference by visiting your nearest shop! 

For more information on the American Cancer Society Discovery Shops and to support their organization, please visit them at Discovery Shops. 

To read about other American Cancer Society Discovery Shops, read the articles below: