Leading with the Good: When Work Comp Goes Amazingly Well

Debra Livingston, the CEO and Founder of ReEmployAbility is set to host a third Webinar titled “Leading with the Good: When Work Comp Goes Amazingly Well” in collaboration with Work Comp Central. This Webinar aims to further educate professionals in the worker’s compensation and risk management industries.

In the Worker’s Compensation industry, getting sidetracked by worse-case scenarios or complex claims is often easy; so much good is provided by Workers’ Compensation professionals, which is often ignored or sidelined to the detriment of the industry. In switching our point of view to active advocacy and communication, all stakeholders can take control of their claims and set themselves up for success. We will be investigating these topics and more during this webinar, which will benefit from the point of view of a Nurse Case Manager, University Professor, and Debra Livingston as the Return-to-Work expert.

The course will explore best practices for finding success, including worker advocacy, communication, and success stories to inspire and educate. By focusing on the positive, we can learn how to handle complicated claims with integrity and using a whole-person-focused approach. 

Panelists will elaborate on best practices for managing workers’ compensation claims and highlight success stories from their years of practice. Presenting real-life case studies will provide participants with practical and actionable insights that stakeholders can immediately implement in their professional endeavors.

Livingston will be joined by: 

  • Dr. Claire C. Muselman: Professor at Practice, Drake University
  • Nancy Kelly: Nurse Case Manager & OSHA with Averitt

The Webinar is scheduled for September 12th, 2023, from 12:30 – 1:30 PM EST. You won’t want to miss it!

Register for the free “Leading with the Good: When Work Comp Goes Amazingly Well” Webinar on the WorkCompCentral Website.

Additional Webinars: